Posts tagged Mindset
Playing Hide & Seek: My Alopecia Journey

We hide when we are ashamed, when we’re scared, or when we don’t feel like we are going to be accepted. We hide for fear of judgment; we hide from our past mistakes. We hide our true selves, believing we aren’t good enough, smart enough, lovable enough or worthy enough. It’s a cycle that can root itself deep in our soul, and if we aren’t careful, the cycle of hiding will even continue within the confines of the sacred union of marriage. Hiding limits true intimacy with those closest to us, so it’s a stronghold that needs to be addressed before entering marriage.

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Three Things To Do Differently in 2017

In just the first week that we have been in the year 2017, I’ve walked past fitness centers, churches, and juice bars that seem to be a lot more crowded than they were the last week of 2016.  On social media I’ve also encountered numerous empowering slogans accompanied by elaborate vision boards. Everyone is looking to start the New Year off as a new person, but what exactly does that entail? 

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