3 Ways to Become "Pro-You" As a Single Woman by Ms. Lenny Hadassah Zulu

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As a single woman in waiting, you have the freedom and ability to serve and support other people in their goals and dreams. Though that is admirable and even something God delights in, you need to understand that you are supposed to come first. That may sound selfish or vain, but it’s actually biblical. The Bible says to “love others as well as you love yourself” (Mark 12:31, MSG). This verse is the heart of what it means to be “pro-you”. The pre-requisite to loving others is to love ourselves. Do you love yourself well enough to love others well?

Here are 3 ways you can become more “pro-you”:

Value Yourself

Every woman wants to have a man look at her and see something beautiful, but do you see yourself that way? And even more than that, do you see the gifts that God has given you in your personality and skills as important and needed by others? If not, you need to learn to value the woman that God created you to be. You need to love yourself before you can love another person, because you can’t give what you do not have. When you love yourself, it becomes easy to value yourself, and when you value yourself, it becomes easy to spot men who don’t value you. See yourself as a treasure and others will too.

Commit to Yourself

Before you commit to anyone else’s dreams, visions and goals, commit to your own first. See yourself as an important investment, and then allocate time and energy to yourself. Committing to follow-through on your passions will ensure that if any man comes along, he will have to respect that you have your own calling. It also ensures that your marriage will cater to both of your commitments instead of requiring you to sacrifice yours for his. Remember, you teach people how to treat you, so if you don't see yourself as important enough for you to commit to, then why would a man see you as important enough to commit to? It all starts with you.

Support Yourself

Before you go around looking for a support system to help you achieve your dreams, become your own support system. Be your greatest cheerleader and number one fan. Believe in yourself before anybody else does. It’s good to get support from others, but other people’s support must be complementary to your own. That way, if others decide to withdraw their support, you’ll always have yourself to fall back on. Doing this will also put you in a position where you'll be able to easily support your partner's vision, when the time comes. It will be easy for you to be his cheerleader because you've already been doing it for yourself, and you will be able to give him support out of the abundance that you already have.

In your waiting season, I implore you to take yourself seriously, because you’re not a joke. You’re a human being worth celebrating. You’re a person of value. Stop looking for value, commitment and support outside of yourself, and find it within yourself first. Announce to the world, “I am pro-me!”, and the world will have no other option but to be pro-you too!



About the Author

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Lenny Hadassah Zulu is a blogger and writer who is passionate about empowering women to discover their worth and value thereby enabling women to freely walk in their purpose.

Lenny is also passionate about encouraging women to raise their standards and not to settle for less than the best in life.